Indonesian Journal of Health <p><span style="font-family: helvetica; font-size: small;"><span style="font-family: helvetica; font-size: medium;">Indonesian Journal of Health is The Journal of Health is a publication of scientific work in the field of health in a broad sense such as public health, nursing, midwifery, medicine, pharmacy, health psychology, nutrition, health technology, health analysis, health information systems, medical records, hospital management and so on. In addition, the Journal was first established since 2020 by located in Makassar, South Sulawesi. Indonesian Journal of Health published on January, April, July and October but when the volume 2 done, we already moving twice a year on June and December start with volume 3 with <strong><a href=";1513603694&amp;1&amp;&amp;">E-ISSN 2745-357X </a></strong></span></span></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> en-US (Nurfardiansyah Burhanuddin) (Journal Admin) Thu, 22 Feb 2024 00:00:00 +0000 OJS 60 Analisis Risiko Kesehatan Lingkungan Logam Berat Merkuri (Hg) pada Kerang Hijau (Perna Viridis) terhadap Nelayan di Kelurahan Kaluku Bodoa Kota Makassar <p>Sungai Tallo terletak di bagian utara Kota Makassar merupakan sebuah sungai yang muaranya sangat dipengaruhi oleh pasang surut air laut. Sungai Tallo memiliki luas daerah aliran sungai sebesar 417 km² dengan kecepatan arus 0,07 m³/s. Aliran sungai ini memasuki perairan laut dan diduga menjadi salah satu sumber pencemaran di perairan Pantai Makassar. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mengetahui tingkat risiko (<em>RQ</em>) akibat pajanan merkuri (Hg) kerang hijau (<em>perna viridis</em>) terhadap Nelayan di Kelurahan Kaluku Bodoa Kecamatan Tallo Kota Makassar tahun 2022. Jenis penelitian ini adalah observasional dengan rancangan Analisis Risiko Keseharan Lingkungan (ARKL) dimana faktor-faktor risiko diukur pada waktu yang sama untuk memberikan prediksi besarnya risiko kesehatan akibat logam berat merkuri (Hg) yang terkandung dalam kerang hijau (<em>Perna Viridis</em>). Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah nelayan yang mengonsumsi kerang hijau sebanyak 46 orang pengukuran konsentrasi merkuri (Hg) pada kerang hijau dilakukan pada 7 titik sampel. Hasil penelitian didapatkan konsentrasi merkuri pada 7 titik adalah 0,0009 µg/gram, hasil analisis univariat menunjukan bahwa rata-rata berat badan adalah 65,57 kg, dengan rata-rata laju asupan 226,2 gram/hari, rata-rata frekuensi pajanan 99,7 hari/tahun, dan rata-rata durasi pajanan 4,83 tahun, hasil perhitungan rata-rata asupan<em> realtime </em>0,00014 mg/kg/hari dan asupan <em>lifetime </em>0,00083 mg/kg/hari. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah kerang hijau di sungai tallo untuk pajanan <em>realtime</em> beberapa nelayan dinyatakan aman dari efek non karsinogenik dan untuk pajanan <em>lifetime</em> dinyatakan tidak aman untuk dikonsumsi dari efek non karsinogenik karena tingkat risiko R&gt;1 untuk dikonsumsi.</p> Arum pratiwi nur Pratiwi Nur, Nasruddin Syam, Ulfa Sulaeman ##submission.copyrightStatement## Sun, 11 Feb 2024 04:21:36 +0000 Analisis Fungsi Faal Paru dan Faktor-Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Terhadap Terkontrol Tidaknya Asma <p><em>Asthma is one of the most prevalent diseases, morbidity, and mortality in the world. Asthma can arise at any age, whether male or female. Asthma is an intermittent, reversible obstructive airway disease in which the trachea and bronchi respond in hyperactivity to a particular stimuly. The aim of this research is to know the difference of proportion of lung function in fully controlled and uncontrolled asthma based on Asthma Control Test (ACT) criteria. This research is an observational analytic research that looking for relationship between variable X and variable Y through hypothesis testing with cross sectional approach. A sample of 17 people with asthma. Population selection based on the diagnosis of asthma diagnosed by a lung specialist. Of the selected populations that meet the inclusion and exclusion criteria. Samples are assessed for their asthma control level based on the Asthma Control Test (ACT) criteria. Data analysis was performed using Statistical Program for Social Sciences (SPSS), ie univariate and bivariate analysis. The results showed no association between controlled asthma based on ACT with age and gender. There was a relationship between ACT-based controlled asthma and education level where p = 0.022 (P &lt;0.05) and had a strong correlation for low and moderate low-level education level categories. While the correlation is sufficient for medium category with high. There was a relationship between ACT-based asthma-controlled asthma and the degree of asthma where p = 0.022 (P &lt;0.05) and had a strong correlation for mild degrees of severe severe and moderate degrees of asthma. Whereas the correlation is sufficient for the light weight category</em></p> Rahmifah Putri Pratiwi ##submission.copyrightStatement## Sun, 11 Feb 2024 04:22:33 +0000 Perbandingan Sputum Spontan dan Sputum Induksi dalam Pemeriksaan TCM Menggunakan Genexpert Pada Penderita Terduga Tuberculosis Paru <p><em>Tuberculosis is a direct infectious disease caused by TB (Mycobacterium Tuberculosis) germs. The examination method that is widely used in TB endemic countries is microscopic examination, however this method has a low sensitivity. Use of the Rapid Molecular Test (TCM) with the Xpert MTB / RIF is fast and can simultaneously identify the presence of MTB and rifampin resistance. Objective: To compare sputum material and sputum induction as the best material in detecting the presence of Mycobacterium Tuberculosis on genexpert examination. Materials and methods: 3% -5% NaCl solution, sample reagent, TCM cartridge with Xpert MTB / RIF and TCM Tool with Xpert MTB / RIF. This study is a diagnostic test with a cross sectional design. The study sample consisted of 60 sputum samples from patients with suspected pulmonary tuberculosis whose diagnosis would be confirmed by genexpert examination. Results: Men had a greater percentage of 44.73% compared to women and the most age was adults (70%), the results of the TCM genexpert method using spontaneous sputum samples obtained a greater percentage of positive spontaneous sputum by 73%, The results of the TCM examination of the genexpert method using spontaneous sputum samples obtained a greater percentage of positive spontaneous sputum by 60% and the comparison between spontaneous and induced sputum found more positive results and there was no significant evidence of effectiveness between spontaneous sputum and induced sputum in genexpert in patients with suspected pulmonary tuberculosis. Conclusion: The data of pulmonary tuberculosis patients in males is greater than in females and there is no evidence of significant effectiveness between spontaneous and induced sputum in genexpert examination.</em></p> Muh Khairul Pratama, Edward Pandu, Dwi Anggita ##submission.copyrightStatement## Sun, 11 Feb 2024 04:22:56 +0000 Persepsi Mahasiswa Terhadap Clinical Skills Lab di Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Muslim Indonesia Angkatan 2017 <p><em>The curriculum is one of the keys to determining the quality of graduates. Every certain period of time the curriculum is always evaluated and then adjusted to the development of science. One form of the curriculum is clinical skills. Clinical skills are an important component in the competencies that must be mastered by a doctor. Learning clinical skills must be well integrated in the curriculum. This learning starts from the pre-clinical stage known as the skills-lab. The Skills laboratory is a place for students to obtain facilities and facilities to learn clinical skills in a laboratory situation and help ensure that all students acquire the necessary techniques and are assessed correctly. This study aims to determine the perceptions of students in class 2017 of the clinical skills lab method at the Faculty of Medicine, University. Indonesian Muslims. This research is descriptive. The number of samples used in this study amounted to 150 active students from the Faculty of Medicine at the Muslim University of Indonesia class of 2017. The results showed that students of the Faculty of Medicine of the Muslim University of Indonesia class of 2017 gave a positive response to the material, methods, facilities, readiness of students, instructors and time allocation. during the clinical skills lab. The conclusion is that the perception of students of the Faculty of Medicine, Muslim University of Indonesia, class of 2017 on clinical skills labs is good even though there are some shortcomings</em><em>.</em></p> Nurul Hidayah, Zulfiyah Surdam, Nevi Sulvita Karsa, Nurfachanti Fattah, Arni Isnaini Arfah, M Hamsah ##submission.copyrightStatement## Sun, 11 Feb 2024 04:23:33 +0000 Identifikasi Pasien Sepsis Rumah Sakit Ibnu Sina Makassar <p><em>Sepsis is one of the causes of considerable morbidity, mortality and health expenditure worldwide. Several factors that influence the high mortality rate in sepsis cases are identified from several bibliography usually in elder, pregnant women, infants, hospitalized patients, and immunosuppression. The research purpose to identifying sepsis patients in Ibnu Sina Makassar Hospital based on age, sex, type of infection and initial diagnosis. This research was an observational descriptive study conducted using secondary data through medical records of patients with sepsis in Ibnu Sina Hospital during October 2018-December 2020. There were 40 samples cases sepsis found. Most sepsis cases consist of 12 patients (30%) found in 58-67 years old patients, 8 patients (20%) in 48-57 years old patients, 7 patients (17.5%) in 38-47 years old patients, 6 patients (15%) in 68-77 years old patients, 3 patients (7.5%) in 18-27 years old, 2 patients (5%) in 28-37 years old patients, each 1 patients (2.5%) in 78-87 and 88-97 years old patients. There 21 patients (52.5%) sepsis patients were female. Infection type, 80% those happened by bacterial infection and 20% by virus infection. Most primary diagnosed of the patients were pneumonia.</em></p> Maryam Qarinah, Yusriani Mangarengi, Farah Ekawati Mulyadi, Edward Pandu Wiriansya, Dian Amelia Abdi ##submission.copyrightStatement## Sun, 11 Feb 2024 04:23:53 +0000