Laporan Kasus: Hipertensi Grade I Disertai Obesitas dengan Konsumsi Herbal Kayu Manis

  • Sitti Ainun MW. Pettawali Medical Faculty
  • Armanto Makmun Departemen Biokimia, Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Muslim Indonesia
Keywords: Hypertension, case report, obesity, cinnamon


High blood pressure or commonly called hypertension is an increase in blood pressure above normal, where normal blood pressure is 120 (systolic) and 80 (diastolic). Meanwhile, it is said to be hypertension if the systolic blood pressure is >140 and diastolic >90 mmHg. Hypertension is often associated with obesity. The incidence of hypertension accompanied by obesity is also increasing. Based on WHO data for 2022, it is stated that there are 1.28 billion people worldwide who suffer from hypertension and more than 80% of hypertension sufferers come from developing countries. In 2018, the incidence of hypertension reached 34.1% in Indonesia. Most hypertension sufferers are over 55 years old (Indonesian Ministry of Health, 2018). Antihypertensive treatment can be given pharmacologically and non-pharmacologically. Pharmacological therapy uses antihypertensive drugs based on certain groups. Non-pharmacological therapy can take the form of herbal treatments such as herbs and other plants. Currently, there are various kinds of herbal plants that can be used as alternative treatments for hypertension because they are considered safer to consume and they cause fewer side effects than drugs with chemical ingredients. One of the herbal plants that is believed to lower blood pressure is cinnamon. Cinnamon has a high antioxidant content and is able to absorb free radicals. The aim of this case report is to discuss the consumption of cinnamon extract as an antihypertensive
